
How to draw Islamic pattern using an easy method

How to draw Islamic pattern using an easy method

Hello friends,
There is various type of Islamic pattern available to use. Sometimes it's hard to figure out that how we can draw them easily. Today I will share with you my method to draw first Islamic pattern step by step. Follow all the steps in tutorial to get the final result. In this tutorial I'm using MM (Millimeters) for dimensions, You can convert the dimensions to other scales as your requirement. I will show you all the steps through images with brief detail   So, let's get starts...

First, take a look at what we are going to draw 

Step 1 

Draw a square box with dimensions 100cm x 100cm. Then make a diamond shape 30cm x30cm in the middle of the square. Take a copy of the diamond shape and past at the same place. Rotate this copy 30 degrees clockwise.
take another copy, paste at the place and rotate it anti-clockwise (-30deg or 330deg). For reference  check figure 1 and 2

Step 2

Draw 3 circles respectively 65cm, 80cm and 85cm from the center of the square (Check figure 3). Look at all the red points in figure 4 where the diamond shapes touch each other edges. Make  3 guidelines with the help of red points in figure 4. 

Step 3

Join all the green points you got with the help of guidelines from figure 4. You will get a shape as shown in figure 5. Take the copy of these shapes and rotate at 30 degrees. make 6 copies start from 30 and then 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. You will get a pretty design as the base shape of our design.  for reference check figure 5, 6 and 7.

Step 4

After joining all the green points and rotate the shape at 30 degrees. follow the figure 8 and draw lines from the center of every edge of the main square (100cm x 100cm) to design corner lines(Green lines in figure 8 ). make guidelines as given red lines in the 8th figure.

Step 5

Draw rectangles as given in figure 9 at the corner of the main square. after drawing the rectangles you will get the points as shown in the 9th figure join them all to get the design lines shown in the 10th figure in blue color.

Step 6

Copy and mirror the design line you got from the 10th figure to all corner of the main square. Draw a square on the corner of the main square. Corner of the main square will be center and green point will be the end point of your small square. For reference check figure 12th.

Step 7

Take a copy of the small square and rotate it at 45 degrees. Follow all the green points in figure 13 and draw a line to make your final design. After joining the all green points the shape you will get, copy that and mirror it all corner to get the final design. 

Congratulations you have done this perfectly

Download all the Images from this link
If you have any doubt Please feel free to comment.
Share your opinions and let me know if I can improve this method with your suggestions.
Thank you for following along the tutorial.


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